The name of the organisation shall be Ruthin Camera Club.
The objects of the Club shall be:
- To promote and encourage active interest in photography within the community.
- To organise a programme of events for members.
- To organise competitions within the club and between clubs.
- To organise exhibitions of photography.
Membership is open to any person interested in photography, who is over the age of 16. Subject to demand the club may create an “under 16” section on condition that the young member was adequately supervised by a responsible adult. Members under 16 shall have no voting rights and may not sit on the Committee.
New members shall complete an "Application to join" form.
All members shall pay such subscriptions as the Annual General Meeting shall determine. The annual subscription shall become due at the first meeting on the club season. New members applying to join on or after the 1st January in any year will pay half the annual subscription. Members joining and paying in March or April pay the full subscription and this covers their membership until the September of the year following payment. Any person whose subscription is not paid by the 31st of October shall be deemed no longer a member.
Subscriptions shall be payable to the club Treasurer who will issue a receipt and a fixture list. There shall be no refund of subscription.
The Club shall be managed by a Committee to be elected by show of hands at the AGM. This committee to meet as required during the calendar year to arrange the programme and carry out other duties to ensure smooth running of the club.
The Committee shall consist of:
The Officers who are the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and up to 5 other members according to the needs of the club. Club Officers shall hold office for one year and shall be eligible for re-election. The Committee may co-opt members to fill vacancies amongst the Officers or Committee Members, such co-opted members to serve until the next Annual general Meeting. More than half the members of the Committee, but a minimum of 3, constitute a quorum for the meetings. The Chairman shall take the chair at all meetings of the club. In his/her absence the chair will be taken by the vice-chairman. If neither is present by the proposed starting time of the meeting then a member present shall be elected to chair that meeting. The Chairman or Acting Chairman is entitled to vote at Committee Meetings and General Meetings and in event of a tie shall have an
additional casting vote. The Committee may appoint subcommittees to manage such affairs as they may define. The Committee may set Club Rules for any matters not covered by this Constitution.
The Committee shall arrange an Annual General Meeting to take place in April each year.
At least 14 days notice of the AGM is to be given to all members. The purpose shall be:
to receive the Annual Reports and Statement of Accounts
to appoint an individual to independently examine the Statement of Accounts to set the subscription level for the following year
to vote if necessary on proposals to amend the Constitution
to consider any motions proposed
to accept the resignations of the officers and Committee
to elect new Officers and Committee
Notices of motions to be considered at the Annual General Meeting must be given to the club secretary at least 21 days prior to that meeting, signed by the Proposer and Seconder. All matters, other than an amendment to the constitution, to be decided by a simple majority. An Extra-Ordinary General meeting may be convened by not less than 10 members giving written notice to the club secretary that they require such a meeting to be called, and such notice must specify the business to be considered. Upon receipt of such notice the club secretary must, within 28 days call the required meeting by giving not less than 14 days notice and specifying the business to be considered.
All money's raised by or on behalf of the Club shall be applied to further the objects of the Club and for no other purpose. The Treasurer shall keep proper account of the finances of the Club and shall open a Bank Account in its name. The Accounts shall be independently examined annually. At least two members of the Committee (taken from Chairman, Treasurer or Secretary) to sign every cheque.
The Club and its Committee and Members shall not be liable to any Member in damages or otherwise for any injury to persons or property arising out of the activities of the Club or in connection with the use of the Club premises or equipment, except in so far as the Club is insured against the liability in question and to the extent of that insurance.
The Club may hold in electronic form the data which Members supply on their membership application and renewal forms, and additionally details of subscription status, photographic interests, and Club internal competition results, for the purposes of management of the Club. Member name, address, and email data may be provided to the North Wales Photographic Association of which Ruthin Camera Club is an Affiliated Member, for the purpose of receiving newsletters and notices of events from the NWPA. No other third party may be supplied with Member data without the specific consent of the Member. A Member may have a copy of his/her own data held by the Club, on request to the Club Secretary, and may refuse permission for such data to be held electronically by so informing the Club Secretary.
Any resolution for the amendment of the Constitution must be received by the Secretary at least twenty-eight days before the AGM. The alteration of the Constitution requires the approval of a two thirds majority of those present at a General Meeting.
If at any time a majority of the Committee decide that it is advisable to dissolve the Club, it shall call an Extraordinary General Meeting of all members stating the proposed resolution. A two thirds majority at such a meeting shall confirm such a decision. Any equipment and/or monies left after settlement of debts shall be distributed to charity as decided by the members at that special meeting.